About So High-Minded
/ˈhī ˈˌmīndid/
Definition: having strong moral principles.
Similar TERMS:
honorable, Good, worthy, idealistiC, Ethical, upstanding
So High-Minded is changing people’s ideas of what it means to be high-minded. Here at So High-Minded, you will find daily inspiration, health and wellness, and self-development tips and resources to help you reach a higher state of mind and better health. The mission at So High-Minded is to help you become the best version of yourself. Are you ready to be “high-minded”?! Subscribe and never miss a post!

Hi! I’m Shannon J., but you can just call me Shan. I’m a Registered Nurse and Certified Health Coach. When I’m not working full-time, my favorite hobby is spending time with family and friends. I’m a huge sports fan and enjoy being outdoors. I love helping others, which is why I became a nurse. It’s so rewarding to see others improve and reach their goals! I hope you enjoy my blog and find it helpful!