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Have you been in a funk lately? ☹️
Sometimes we can get in a rut and go through the motions of life. But there’s great news…. you don’t have to stay in that funk forever.
You have the power to choose happiness. This post will help you get to your happy place by providing 6 easy ways to increase your happiness starting today.
What is happiness?
Happiness looks different for everyone. Trying to define happiness is hard because it is unique to each individual.
However, some common positive emotions associated with being happy are joy, hope, gratitude, love, and serenity.
Your level of happiness impacts your quality of life. Your stress level, overall health, motivation, desire, and energy level suffer when you are unhappy.
You can create a happier life. The first step is to ask yourself… what does happiness truly mean to me?
Once you define what happiness looks like for you, you will be able to implement small changes that will lead you to a happier destination.
6 Easy Ways to Increase Your Happiness
1. Celebrate the small victories
Life is full of surprises, disappointments, and triumphs. It’s easy to overlook the small things that you accomplish each day.
While you are working toward achieving your ultimate goals be sure to acknowledge and celebrate your small victories. 🎉
“Look for small victories and build on that. Each small victory, even if it is just getting up five minutes earlier, gives you confidence. You realize that these little victories make you feel great, and you keep going.” Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Acknowledge all of your small victories. They will eventually add up to something great.” Kara Goucher
Celebrating your small victories will increase your motivation, mood, and your outlook.
2. Change your perspective
Perspective is how you view your life. Essentially, your perspective is your reality. It’s how you interrupt and internalize life’s events. Perspective is key when it comes to being happy or unhappy.
Are you quick to emphasize your shortcomings? Do you always highlight what’s going wrong? 😐
Looking at things through a positive lens can improve your happiness.
We all have that little voice in our heads that plants self-doubt. Limiting negative self-talk is a major factor in improving your happiness. Negative self-talk lowers your confidence and jeopardizes your chances of reaching your goals. In most cases, not reaching personal goals are directly linked to our level of happiness.
Changing your perspective takes time. Here are two books full of positive energy and quotes to help decrease negative, self-sabotaging habits.
3. Worry about the things you can control
Are constantly thinking about the what-ifs? Sometimes things are simply out of our control. By focusing on what you can control, your stress level will decrease, and you will have more time and energy to focus on what makes you happy.
4. Practice gratitude
Research suggests that practicing gratitude is linked to people feeling happier. Practicing gratitude will increase your chances of being more optimistic. Ultimately leading to more happiness.
How to practice gratitude?
Simply keep a daily gratitude journal. Each day write down small things you’re grateful for. 📝
If you enjoy journaling, check out the 50 Self-Reflection Journal Prompts post.
If you’re not the journaling type, take time each day to mentally count your blessings. Also meditating and focusing on the present moment has shown success with improving your mood.
Looking for the perfect gratitude journal? Check out these 2 gratitude journals.
5. Do what makes you happy
Oftentimes, we can get caught up in trying to portray a “perfect image” of ourselves. I hate to burst your bubble… but perfect does not exist.💥
Do you spend your day trying to please others? Living your life to please others can have detrimental effects.
Putting others’ needs and wants before your own is emotionally draining.
Pleasing others can send you spiraling in a funk.
Whatever the case may be, work on being true to yourself. Put yourself first and do what makes you happy.
6. Eliminate unhealthy habits
We can be our own worst enemy. Unhealthy habits come in different forms. Being a workaholic, not getting enough sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise, toxic relationships, negative self-talk, procrastination, poor self-care, and being a people-pleaser all impact our mood.
What habits are having a negative impact on your life? Make a list of habits that you would like to change. Each day make a conscious effort to work on improving these habits. Over time, you will be able to notice a difference in your life! 🚀
Certain habits can result in being unhappy and continue the emotional cycle of being in a rut. Don’t sabotage yourself by ignoring habits that need a little tweaking.
Let’s face it… who wouldn’t welcome more happiness into their lives.
Find what makes you happy and repeat. Take control of your life by putting your happiness first.
What tips would you recommend to improve happiness? Please comment below! 👇
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